Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween Pocahontas Costume

For Halloween this year, my younger sister Ersa asked me to created a Pocahontas costume for her. I was so thrilled to do it, regardless of my busy schedule. I know how much she resembles the Indian princess, that all of her friends call her Ersahontas.

Pocahontas is also one of my favorite Disney characters, next to Princess Jasmine. For those of you who don't know Pocahontas (ahem, there shouldn't really be anyone, right?)... a little bit of history for ya...

Pocahontas was a Native American Princess in the 1600s- the daughter of Chief Powhatan, the leader of tributary tribal nations in Virginia. She saved the life of Indian captive John Smith, even falling in love with him. Pocahontas also stopped an armed conflict between her people and the British settlers. Pocahontas is adventurous, free-spirited and highly-spiritual. She is kind, generous, and fights for what she believes in.

Ersa gave me an old beige t-shirt, and after receiving it, thought "Wow." It was barely enough for the bodice. I had to be very creative in putting the costume together, since I was limited to my supplies. I barged in my closet, turned it upside down, inside out and found and old sweater, a little darker beige than the t-shirt and used it for the fringes. For accesories, I found an old necklace I bought from a kiosk in Vegas, with a pendant shaped like the one Pocahontas is wearing. I then used turquoise tissue paper, crumpled and twisted to use as the chain for the pendant. I used a wooden bracelet to depict her arm tattoo.

The end result ladies and gents.....

Ersa loved it!!! I thought it turned out pretty cute considering it took me about an hour or so to do it. (So original, these Indian Princess costumes are out for sale for $40 or more.)

Happy Halloween Everyone!
